What do the experts have to say about Costa Rica Tarpon Fishing at the Rio Colorado
“This is one exotic fishing trip that many can afford, and one you will long remember”
Ken Moran, New York Post
“Every fisherman should experience this type of fishing at least once. But watch out: Once you try it, you´ll be hooked for life! Costa Rica is a Fisherman´s paradise!”
John Spehn, Chicago Sun-Times
“At times they´re big and at times they`re thick, but most of the time they`re available and hungry.”
Byron Stout, Florida Sportsman Magazine
“The Rio Colorado Lodge is one of the most comfortable fishing camps I have ever visited. Truly one of the best fishing trips of my life!”
Gerald Almy, Sports Afield Magazine
“The world class fishing the superb cuisine, and friendly staff, all combined to make the angling adventure of a lifetime!”
Dan Sura, the In-Fisherman
“Hemingways world – a jungle tree-house with a labyrinth of boardwalks. The angling adventure of a lifetime!”
Dan Sura-Lynn Hannon, the In-Fisherman
“Tarpon fishing – it`s a wild, extreme sensation. And to say that Costa Rica is breathtaking is an understatement!”
Lynn Hannon, for the In-Fisherman
Archie Fields´Rio Colorado Lodge
The Best Costa Rica Tarpon Fishing … 
Every angler has dreamed of someday enjoying that perfect trip to an enchanted land; of battling and immense variety of great, tackle testing game fish in the splendor of a tropical wilderness where monkeys chatter from the tree tops, brilliantly plumed exotic birds soar overhead, and you can pick bananas from the trees just outside the window of your room.
Costa Rica turns such dreams into reality for less cost than a trip to a more crowded and mundane location closer to home, and Archie Fields´ RIO COLORADO LODGE has added a new dimension to an area that has long been recognized for the best tarpon and snook fishing in the world. If you're interested in the best Costa Rica Tarpon Fishing lodge then look no further!
"Dear Lawyer Dan;
Just a short note to tell you what a great time we had with you. Your facility, although rustic, offers all the amenities one could need. And, some that I couldn't get at the Hotel Xx Xxxxxxxx just a few days later. The staff and the fishing were excellent as was the food and the "entertainment". Where else can you go and get what we got, AND sit down and eat and visit with el dueño y sus amigos? Caballeros one and all. Just outstanding. Hoping you are in business just as long as you want to be. I admit it, I would like to be able to return. Jim & Carol Mettler
PS - Dan what do you know about fly fishing for tarpon? My brother has the hots for catching a tarpon on a fly rod."
Tarpon are still the favored fare of most visitors, and no fish offers the angler the drama, excitement and challenge as does this silver rocket.
Leaping, twisting and turning, Costa Rica´s aerial acrobats average 80 to 100 pounds, and will jump not just once or twice when hooked, but will soar six or eight times, often 10 feet or more into the air, shaking and twisting every second! When fishing´s hot, it´s not unusual to jump 20 or more tarpon a day, and no fish will more readily take a fly or plug.
For snook fishing, Costa Rica stands in class by itself as evidenced by the many IGFA world records – including the all-tackle mark – that have been posted here.
But tarpon and snook are just the icing on the cake since The RIO COLORADO LODGE introduced a new fleet of boats that make it possible for fishermen to work virgin inshore waters for fish that have never before seen a hook. If you're looking for a Tarpon Fishing Lodge in Costa Rica then you've come to the right place.
Atlantic sailfish, wahoo, dorado, great barracuda, world record jack crevalle and cubera snapper, tripletail, king mackerel weighing up to 50 pounds, Spanish mackerel, jewfish, pompano and other more exotic species such as the silvery machete fish, and immense sharks including hammerheads, white tips, brown tips, bulls and makos are only a sampling of the species that have been caught at the RIO COLORADO LODGE.
And the angler tiring of battling big fish can always head for the back waters and lagoons to sample the light tackle sport for guapote, or rainbow bass, a brilliantly colored fish that will run to six or eight pounds and fight just like the largemouth bass back home. There are also a host of other species in the river and lagoons, including the bluegill-like mojarra, leaping machaca, drum and catfish.
Serious anglers already know about the fishing in Costa Rica and the Lodge. We have been featured in virtually all of the major outdoors magazines and on most of the television fishing shows. The best Costa Rica Tarpon Fishing and Costa Rica Snook fishing can be found at the Rio Colorado Lodge!!